Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Kate Moss wedding road closures raise locals' ire

While disruptions have been put down to safety reasons, cynical residents say it may be down to an exclusive magazine deal

Judy Millard, who has lived in the picture-perfect Cotswolds village of Southrop for almost half a century, is stuck in a traffic jam and is not happy.

"Why can't she have got married somewhere else? I only live up behind that big tree but I can't imagine ever actually getting there. And I'm sick of being told what to do by all these men."

The "she" in question was no other than the supermodel Kate Moss, who was about to be married in the village. The "men" were Gloucestershire constabulary's finest, not to mention countless private security guards equipped with sunglasses, earpieces and determined "thou shalt not pass" looks.

The venue for the nuptials of Moss and the Kills guitarist Jamie Hince was not announced in advance. But the appearance of a small town of marquees behind Moss's country retreat and the presence of those police and private security guards blocking the way to St Peter's church in Southrop gave the game away.

No doubt the dress will be the subject of much discussion in certain quarters but for the villagers of Southrop and Little Faringdon, the main talking point was the inconvenience caused by a celeb wedding and the media circus that goes along with it.

"It's disgraceful," said a neighbour who preferred not to give his name. "All this fuss for a model. We hardly ever see a copper down here and today you can't move for them. Shouldn't these police be out catching criminals rather than standing around in the sun?"

A customer in the bar of the Swan pub ? Moss's local - was spluttering into his pint of foaming ale: "We're treated as peasants. The cordon goes round for miles, it is ridiculous."

County council workers were up early pinning up signs explaining the highways and byways around Southrop (pronounced Suth-er-up) and Moss's home that would be closed. The notice read: "The council is satisfied the use of the road and public paths should be prohibited for the purpose of facilitating the holding of a relevant event, namely to reduce the disruption to traffic as a result of a private family celebration."

The county council said the event organisers had paid to have the road closed ? it cost them �30. So can anyone close a road down for �30? No, it's up to the council to decide. A spokeswoman said the order was made to "reduce disruption to traffic and to the family concerned". More cynical villagers wondered if the measures had been taken to protect an exclusive magazine deal.

Thirty Gloucestershire police officers and community support officers were posted at roadblocks and patrolled the village. A press officer was dispatched to explain what was going on. More Thames Valley officers - though just a couple of miles away Moss's home is in Oxfordshire - were on alert in case they were needed at what locals have nicknamed "Moss-stock", a festival-style reception that, it is claimed, may last three days, feature bands including the Rolling Stones and be enjoyed by a string of Hollywood A-listers.

Gloucestershire police refused to say how much the operation was costing, saying a freedom of information request would be needed to unearth that figure.

Before the ceremony got under way police were not even confirming why the roads had been closed.

"Wedding? What wedding?" said Sergeant Garrett Gloyn at one of the checkpoints.

Why was he here? "Our job is to assist with the road closures and to prevent disorder. Somebody may or may not be getting married." He denied the claim of some locals that armed officers were in the village and said no drugs sniffer dogs were on the scene.

Another unnamed police officer was not so friendly. He explained curtly that if anyone walked through the roadblock they would be arrested for breach of the peace and hauled off to the station.

One tabloid photographer did try to test the resolve of the security operation and walked down the road towards the church. He was challenged by a security guard and then escorted back past the roadblock. Another reporter tried to get into the village by crossing fields and paddling down the river. She ended up with scratched ankles and a flea in the ear from a security guard.

Finally the confirmation that Moss was getting married was given when she was driven through the cordon in a cream and gold Rolls Royce. The ceremony over, the photographers, camera crews and a few members of the public were finally allowed down to the church for a glimpse of the bride. The happy couple emerged from the church, waving to villagers who had congregated opposite and kissing for the photographers. They were whisked away to the sound of blaring rock music.

The village of Southrop could get back to normal. But it could still be a trying weekend for the residents of Little Faringdon as Moss-stock got under way.

? This article was amended on 1 July with updated detail © Guardian News & Media Limited 2011 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds

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